Sunday 23 February 2014

Liebster Award

Happy Sunday Guys!
So I've been nominated by my good friend Cristabel for the Liebster Award which has been going for four years now! Its such a cute gesture and a great way to get connected to different blogs. All I have to do is answer the questions that Cristabel has nominated me with and then nominate 5 people with my own set of questions, awesome! So here goes!

1. What is your favourite pie?
Definitely has to be a Banoffee pie..that counts right?

2. If you could suddenly be awesome at any sport, which one would it be?
I think its probably diving, have so much respect for the intense training these guys go through and jeez if it gets me anywhere near Tom Daley…

3. What is your favourite movie?

Hmm, this is a tough one. I'm such a movie and TV series guy, I never tire of watching Devil Wears Prada, Easy A or One Day. So I guess any one of those three. 

4. What’s your greatest pet peeve?

Not having the volume on an even number!

5. If you could suddenly be awesome in any job what would that be?

I really wish I could've been something like a surgeon. I swear this only stems from my recent obsession with Greys Anatomy but I really wish I had the stomach and the knowledge to become a surgeon. 
6. Money is no object – where would you go for the weekend?

For the weekend. Hmm, I'd probably head down to London, visit friends, massive shopping spree and of course a couple of West End shows. Perfect.

7. Which do you look forward to the most -the main or the dessert?

I'm much more of a savoury guy so, main.

8. What is your favourite animal?
I love dogs, I really really really want a french bulldog one day. So adorable!

9. What would you do if a zombie apocalypse happened?

Submit. And then hang around as a zombie until someone found a cure. 

10. If you could be any animal but still be able to talk to humans what would you be?

Again probably dogs, they probably something really profound to say haha!

11. Have you ever been on TV/ in the Newspaper/Magazines/ on the Radio?

I've been in a couple of local newspapers when I was younger but nothing major…yet!

Those were such good questions, thanks again Cris!
I would like to nominate:
Lucy - BonjourLuce
Em - EmilyEmilyBeth
Elpitha - GlitterMeUp
Sonya - BelleGente
Grace - StyleWithGrace

Questions for my Nominees!
1) Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
2) Favourite childhood memory?
3) Clothes or beauty products?
4) What cocktail (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) best describes you?
5) Favourite clothes shop?
6) What is your dream job?
7) You have an unlimited spending allowance on iTunes, whats the first album you download?
8) What is your favourite TV Show?
9) You can have ONE ability from Time Travel, Invisibility and Flight. Which do you pick?
10) Have you got a party trick, if so, what is it?
11) Who is your favourite YouTuber?

Right guys those are my questions. I've loved doing this Award/Tag!! Such a feel-good award within the blogging community! Hope you enjoyed!

Nev x

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