Wednesday 16 January 2013

Recording Day

So today I finally filmed the second video for NevsNatterTV! Uploading at 7pm on Sunday night so make sure you catch it then :) I was completely stuck on an idea for what to do for it, seeing as though the second video really decided on the direction of the channel itself. I still tried to keep the videos quite general and hopefully you guys will like it. Its been awesome to see how each piece of social media effects the over, and watch last weeks video's views grow. Its so much fun! Heres a little sneaky preview of Sundays video!!
In other news I watched Disney Pixar's WALL-E today, my all time favourite film! And my Granny Sue took me out for lunch at a really cute cafe! Off to rehearsals at my local theatre tonight for West Side Story, so all systems are go go go!
- Nev
P.S I wish my best mate Luke the best of luck with his Mountview and Arts Ed Musical Theatre auditions, he's going to be fab, so watch this space guys haha! Exteremely jealous of him seeing Matilda, The Bodyguard AND Shrek! Good luck dude! Lots of love!!


  1. Good luck with the channel im sure it will be great.

    I got to meet the actual west end Shrek as he switched the Hampstead Lights on, i was of course star struck ha.

    h x

    1. Aw thankss! You should check out my first video :):)

      Omg I am so so jealous! Sounds awesome

