Tuesday 15 January 2013

Winter Wonderland

So it's been snowing for two days now. Am I the only person who can't enjoy snow post-christmas?? The whole of the North East has slowed down to almost walking pace as everyone uses the excuse "I can't get into work/college/school". Sadly I was not one of these people. Typical. They day I'm on time and attending college, half the school has been excused due to adverse weather conditions!! Oh yeah, and of course I would choose today of all days to begin my driving lessons again. Nevertheless as I trudge home from in about an hours time ill have plenty time to plan Sundays video. I think I might film it in a different location however, if I have to use that video for screenshots or profile images anymore I'm going to go insane haha! Okay so back to college work.....
- Nev

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