Sunday 28 July 2013

Adidas Bargains

Hey Guys!
So normally when clothes shopping I don't tend to look into sportswear shops such as Nike,

Adidas or JD Sports, unless there is something in particular I am looking for, however when I was at Dalton Park in Murton yesterday I decided to "live on the edge" and have a look in Adidas, and I was pleasantly suprised, firstly at their amazing prices but secondly and the massive discounted Adidas Originals range! So after a thorough look around I decided to go for two items which I couldn't resist buying. Around the front section of the shop is seemed to be that the sole focus of the shop was their amazingly discounted "Adidas Stipe Jackets", on sale for £27.99 from £65, (I hadn't previously realised they were so expensive). However for £27.99 I though this was a fair deal. There wasn't an extensive range of colours but there were a few to choose from. I ended up choosing this blue with red stripes jacket which has, since purchase, been growing on me. 

With me going to Newcastle College, next year to study a Foundation Degree in Musical Theatre I thought the hooded jacket would be rather practical to just "throw on" during rehearsals or on the long route back home! Whilst looking about there was an Adidas Originals sale rale which I raked through for a good 20 minutes. I did find a burnt orange sweatshirt which I loved but after trying on I really didn't think suited me, and then I came across this shirt which seemed to be the only one on the rale!

Now if you've seen past blog posts and videos on my NevsNatterTV YouTube account you will know that I have a recent found love for overside checky, plaid and flannel shirts. I just think they go really well with a pair of skinny jeans, in any colour (depending on the colour of the shirt) and a pair of desert boots or suede boots. So knowing this I could not resist this almost dark navy shirt with a light read cross-hatch pattern, and it was in my size too! Perfect!
So it was safe to say I was pleasantly surprised with these items. However the surprises didn't stop there, when I reached the checkout the sales clerk offered me a 30% off leaflet! Instead of the total reaching £46.99, it was reduced to £32.92!!!!
Amazed! I highly recommend checking out your nearest outlet shopping centres!

Have you guys experienced any bargains like these??


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