Wednesday 31 July 2013

Little Healthy Competition

Hey Guys,
All systems are go this week in Durham. The Gala Theatre Stage School of which I am a member is putting on Grease from the 31st of July to the 10th August! Yes that means open night is tonighhhtt! 
This week has actually been insane, we had rehearsals everyday last week!

However, we managed to squeeze in a bit of well deserved "R+R" on Sunday. But in GTSS terms, this means an extremely competitive game of rounders and a take-out. I've attatched some snaps of what I've been up to!

Keep your eyes peeled throughout the next couple of days guys as I'm currently planning some future posts! Maybe something to do with a male fashion clothing haul? Who knows? ;)

What have you guys been up to recently?


1 comment:

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